1. Resume the ADXL356 mechanism to detect and "fix" the state when the sensor is sticked to extreme value. 1. If the BootloaderStateFile.Marker[2] != "VERIFIED" (which means that the new application has not marked its successful bringing up) then the EEPROM content is modified to MQTT, URL: "mqtt.icomoxlive.net", delay: 5, port: 1883, and MQTT.userName = MQTT.clientID = hex2str(uniqueID). 1. Restored the modbus support + support the split between PCB serial number and "normal" serial number. 2. Fixed the ADXL362 sign extension mechanism, so now it only relies on bit 11, and not copy bits 12-13 to bits 14-15. 3. Added firmwareBuildVersion field to FirmwareAppInfoForBootloader struct and modified GenerateInMsgHello() accordingly. 4. Replaced the ProductionSerialNumber field in sCOMOX_IN_MSG_Hello with PcbSerialNumber & SerialNumber fields instead. 5. Disabled the MODBUS functionalities. 1. Modified memmap.c by centralizing the EEPROM write via MemMap_Write(). In addition, MemMap_UpdateVersion() was modified in order to modify the EEPROM to change the target to MQTT with pre-prod parameters (but right now it is commented out). 1. Commented out the ADXL356_ValidSamplesInAxis() so no test mode is applied on the ADXL356 once it produces saturated results. This abolish the change from version from May 2nd, 2022. 1. Improved some variables names to use the term "heartbeat" instead of "keepalive". 2. Change the MQTT topic names for the report to the following hard coded pattern (lower letters only): "icomox\\raw\" instead of being delivered over the "icomox\\in" topic - so now the control and the reports topics are separated. 3. Added first version of Heartbeat & getCommCounters & redirection messages' structs. 1. Added cCOMOX_RESET_TYPE_Immediate for non graceful reset. 2. Stop processing messages after getting OUT_MSG_Redirection & OUT_MSG_Reset. 3. TCP & MQTT & USB modes were tested with OUT_MSG_Reset, OUT_MSG_Redirection and OUT_MSG_Heartbeat messages. 4. In MQTT mode, a WILL message is now added (IN_MSG_Bye) with QoS=1.